Ramp Based Systems

Ramp style Mother Daughters Systems are perfect for lower weight (below 700 pounds) daughters that not towable. Typically, these daughters are gear baskets or similar specific part conveyors. K•Tec custom designs our Ramp Mothers with your specific daughter dimensions. Typically, ramps are 7 degrees or lower, which allow your Daughter Carts to be loaded in an ergonomically friendly manner. Gas Springs are also utilized to ergonomically assist with the raising and lowering of ramps to their proper position.

For more information about our Mother Daughter Cart Systems, please call us at (440) 943-4111 or contact us here.

A Ramp Style in blue color and a white background


A Ramp Style machine in yellow color and a white background


A Ramp Style in orange color and a white background


A Ramp Style machine in yellow color and white background


A Ramp Style in brown color and a white background


A Ramp Style machine with a white color background
